A balance bike, also known as a walking block, is a vehicle that provides sliding power for young children by continuously alternating their feet on the ground, thereby exercising their balance ability. It has a certain similarity in appearance to a bicycle, but it is not a traditional bike because it does not have pedals and chains. The concept of a balance bike originated from bicycles, initially inspired by Germans to develop the world's first balance bike, which quickly became popular worldwide.
Segmented market analysis
From the perspective of product types, according to different materials, balance bikes can usually be divided into two categories: wooden balance bikes and metal balance bikes. Among them, metal balance bikes dominate the market. According to our research data, the global metal balance bike segment market size in 2023 was $1625 million, with a market share of 89.31%.
Global Balance Bike Market Size and Share by Type in 2023
Types |
Market Size (Million USD) |
Market Share |
Wooden Balance Bikes |
1625 |
89.31% |
Metal Balance Bikes |
194 |
10.69% |
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