N-propanol has Broad Application Market Size was 922 M USD in 2022

N-Propanol is a primary alcohol with the formula CH3CH2CH2OH (sometimes represented as PrOH or n-PrOH). This colorless liquid is also known as propan-1-ol, 1-propyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, and n-propanol. It is an isomer of 2-propanol (propan-2-ol, isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol).

The Competition of Awning Market has Intensified and Fixed Awnings Occupy the Largest Market Share

An awning is a piece of material which is attached to a building or caravan and provides shelter. There are different types of awnings available in the market depending on the requirement of customer.

Gamers Invest a lot of Money on Peripherals, which Stimulates the Development of Global Gaming Mouse & Keyboards

A mouse designed for gamers. Gaming mice have adjustable sensitivity, which is configurable as the number of dots per inch (DPI). A computer keyboard designed for gamers.

The Growth of Global Trade Activities and the Wide Application of Internet Information Technology Have Laid the Foundation for the Rapid Development of B2B Payments

B2B payments are the exchange of currency for goods or services between two businesses. This is an inter-commerce transaction that does not involve a consumer.

The Safety Certification of Trehalose attracts more Consumers and Provides more Opportunities for Industry Participants, Which is Conducive to the Healthy Development of the Industry

Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules linked by an α, α-1,1 bond. In nature, trehalose is a natural substance that stabilizes proteins lipids, and carbohydrates

Global Human Native Antigens and Recombinant Antigens Revenue is Expected to Grow to 251.92 M USD by 2028

An antigen is defined as being any substance capable of inducing an immune response which results in the production of antibodies.

Digital Human Market Overall Presents a Strong Growth Trend

Digital human isalso known as virtual human, virtual image, virtual digital human, etc. Itrefers to the digital image that exists in the non-physical world and is builtbased on CG technology and artificial intelligence technology and is close tohuman image. It has the appearance, behavior, and characteristics of anthropoidor real person, can carry on natural dialogue and interaction, and has certa

With the Support of Policies, the Localization Process of Medical and Aesthetic Devices in China Has Been Accelerated

Medical beautyinstruments refer to instruments, equipment, utensils, in vitro diagnosticreagents and calibrators, materials and other similar or related articlesdirectly or indirectly used in the human body, medical instruments for therepair and remolding of human appearance and the shape of various parts of the humanbody. In the whole medical beauty equipment, photoelectric beauty is the mostpopu

China Has Become the World\'s Fastest Growing Market for 3.0T MR

Magnetic resonanceimaging (MR), also known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is a device thatuses magnetic resonance signals of atomic nuclei in water molecules in thehuman body in a strong magnetic field to image tissues and organs. Magneticresonance imaging system is mainly composed of magnet, spectrometer, gradient,radio frequency, computer and image processing system five parts. Each part i

As Power Management Chip Becomes More High-end and Smarter, Its Price Is Picking Up

Belongs to the oanalog chip, the power management chip is the electrical energy supply heart ofelectronic equipment. It can realize the transformation of electric energy,distribution, detection and other electric energy management chip in theelectronic equipment system. The power management chip is a key component of electronicequipment, which performance has a direct impact on the performance and

Focus on the Breakthrough of Photoresist Raw Material Localization

Photoresistis also called the photoresist, is a kind of organic compounds is verysensitive to light, photochemical reaction will be available in lithographysystem after diffraction, filtering of optical information is converted intochemical energy, and template will mask graphics transferred to the substrate,is an important step in precision electronic components manufacturingprocesses, photoresis

Titanium Alloy will Continue to Penetrate in the Field of Consumer Electronics in the Future, and Domestic Polishing Equipment Manufacturers are Expected to be Benefited

Basedon Apple\\'s patent portfolio and the already released Apple Watch Ultra, the useof titanium alloy in the middle frame could be one of Apple\\'s next generationinnovations.

ChatGPT Ushered in a New Era of Human-computer Interaction and Accelerated Commercialization of Humanoid Robots

With the developmentof ChatGPT API, commercial applications are expected to be expanded andexisting productivity tools are expected to be revolutionized. On theapplication side, general artificial intelligence application fields, such asservice robots (including medical robots), humanoid robots and other fieldswill be further developed. The chatbot ChatGPT developed by OpenAI is based ona powerful

Due to the Late Start, the Baked Goods Market in China Is Less Than that in Europe and the United States, but Its Market Space is Wide

Baked food refersto flour, yeast, salt, sugar and water as the basic raw materials, adding anappropriate amount of oil, milk, eggs, additives, and so on, through a seriesof technological methods of baked food. Baked goods havealways been the mainstream breakfast and staple food in European and Americancountries. In comparison, the development of baking industry in China isrelatively short. At the

The Domestic Aseptic Packaging Industry Represented by new Jufeng Ushered in Development Opportunities

Aseptic packaging industrytechnology and food safety requirements are higher, the downstream customercertification is strict, need to have large-scale production capacity, so theindustry barriers are high. Industrial chain: upstream for base paper, PE andother bulk materials, the main downstream application of liquid milk at roomtemperature. The downstream of aseptic packaging industry is mainly d

With the Development of Automobiles to Intelligent, Networked and Electric, the Demand for Automobile Electronics Will Also Increase

Automotiveelectronics is the general term for vehicle body electronic control device andvehicle electronic control device. It is an electronic control system composedof sensors, microprocessors, actuators, electronic components and theircomponents. The most important role of automotive electronics is to improve thesafety, comfort, economy and entertainment of automobiles. The degree ofautomobile e

As the Largest Rail Transit Construction Market, China Has the Largest Demand for Shield Tunneling Machines

Shield tunnelingmachine (shield tunneling machine) is a kind of tunnel tunneling specialengineering machinery. Modern shield machine integrates mechanical, electrical,hydraulic, optical, sensing, information technology in one, with excavationcutting soil mass, conveying ballast, assembly tunnel lining, measurementorientation correction and other functions, involving geology, civil,mechanical, mech

With a Lot of Users, Stationery Market Will Develop Towards High-end and Green in the Future

Stationery usuallyrefers to various tools used for office, study and other purposes. In recentyears, the global stationery market has remained stable. In 2021, the globalstationery market reached 192 billion US dollars, an increase of 2.40 billionUS dollars and a year-on-year growth of 1.3%. Due to the combinedeffects of birth rate, aging population, national education investment, thepopularity of

Cloud Computing Is a Major Change and an Inevitable Trend in the Development of Information Technology

Cloud computing is a kind of service related to information technology, software and the Internet. Its core is to provide users with fast and secure services and data storage based on the Internet. In essence, cloud computing is a way of sharing resources and services. On the cloud computing platform, hardware resources, network and application environment can be allocated and called anytime, anyw

Market Concentration of Chinese Cement Industry May Increase Further

Cement is a kind of powder hydraulic cementing material, which is mixed with water into plastic slurry and can cement sand, stone and other materials and can be hardened both in air and water. According to the different use and performance, cement can be divided into general cement, special cement and characteristic cement three types. General purpose cement is the cement used in civil engineering

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