Europe Marine Cleaning Product Market Size Will Reach €523.15 Million in 2023

Marine cleaning products, typically including various cleaning agents, disinfectants, detergents, and rust inhibitors, refer to cleaning supplies specifically designed for ships and related water facilities. These products can provide cleaning, maintenance, and protective functions for crew members and ships to ensure their good condition and extend their service life.
From the perspective of downstream applications, the application of marine cleaning products covers multiple aspects such as yachts, passenger ships, cargo ships, and fishing boats. Among them, the yacht segment has the largest market share. Data shows that in 2023, the market size of marine cleaning products used for yacht cleaning in Europe may reach €386.41 million, with a market share of 73.80%.
Europe Marine Cleaning Product Market Size and Share Forecast by Application in 2023

Market Size (Million EUR)

Market Share




Passenger Ship



Cargo Ship



Fishing Boat






According to our research data, the market size of European marine cleaning products is expected to reach €523.15 million in 2023. From the development situation of major countries, the market for marine cleaning products in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany is relatively large, and the market development speed is relatively fast. According to our estimated data, the market size of marine cleaning products in France, the UK, and Germany in 2023 is €85 million, €84 million, and €74 million, respectively, accounting for 16.25%, 16.06%, and 14.15% of the total market size in Europe.
Europe Marine Cleaning Product Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Region  

Europe Marine Cleaning Product Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Region
The market for marine cleaning products is closely related to the shipping industry, as ship cleaning and maintenance are crucial for the performance and lifespan of ships. With the continuous development of trade and shipping industry among countries, the market for marine clean products will continue to expand. According to our prediction, the market size of European marine cleaning products will increase to €571.99 million by the end of 2025.

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