Yoga andmeditation accessories refers to a range of accessories for yoga practice andmeditation activities, including yoga mats, yoga belts, yoga balls andcushions, which are used to assist in the successful completion of yogaexercises and meditation activities, including supporting the body to completethe movement or stretching the body.
Vaginalspeculum is a metallic device used to open the orifice of vagina to inspect thevaginal wall and cervix, and collect cervical cells for pap smear test, adiagnostic examination for cervical cancer in women. With the development ofeconomy and human pursuit of a higher standard of living, the growth of themarket of vaginal speculum has been greatly promoted by women enhanced healthawareness and
Frac sandis a high-purity quartz sand with very durable and very round grains. It is acrush-resistant material produced for use by the petroleum industry. It is usedin the hydraulic fracturing process (known as fracking) to produce petroleumfluids, such as oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids from rock units thatlack adequate pore space for these fluids to flow to a well. Most frac sand isa na
A remittance is a transfer of money by a foreignworker to an individual in their home country. Money sent home by migrantscompetes with international aid as one of the largest financial inflows todeveloping countries. Digital remittance is using digital channel to realizethe remittance process, which is referred to as the transfer of money byforeign migrants to their native countries by using digi
Awater dispenser, known as water cooler (if used for cooling only), is a machinethat cools or heats up and dispenses water with a refrigeration unit. The watertank provides room temperature water, and the water enters in two ways: one entersthe cold tank container, and the cold water is cooled out; the other enters thehot tank, and the hot water is heated out.
In simplest terms, plasmacutting is a process that uses a high velocity jet of ionized gas that isdelivered from a constricting orifice. The high velocity ionized gas, that is,the plasma, conducts electricity from the torch of the plasma cutter to thework piece. The plasma heats the work piece, melting the material. The highvelocity stream of ionized gas mechanically blows the molten metal away,se
Humanmilk oligosaccharides are sugar molecules, part of the oligosaccharides group,which can be found in high concentrations of 0.35-0.88 oz./L exclusively inhuman breast milk. They form the third most abundant solid component of human milkafter lactose and fat. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are a family ofstructurally diverse unconjugated glycan that are found in and unique to humanbreast mi
Inthis report, Caustic Acid refers to sodium hydroxide, an inorganic compoundwith the chemical formula NaOH. It is a white solid ionic compound composed ofsodium cation Na + and hydroxide anion OH-. Sodium hydroxide is a multi-purposechemical.
PACis a flocculant of new concept, the specific properties of which derive fromthe action of its basic active constituent, namely Poly Aluminium Chloride.This is a polynuclear complex of polymerised hydro-aluminium ions, PAC issupplied in form of water solution or as powder, which facilitates thetransport and storage operations and subsequent dosage of the reagent.
Sterilization Containers are a reusable,rigid system used for the hospital of instruments during sterilization, whichcan kill all microorganisms on the vector, including bacterial spores andnon-pathogenic microorganisms. In recent years, as human living standards hasimproved, people have made great efforts to manufacture sterilization equipmentwith more perfect performance, safer use and higher co
A cartesian coordinaterobot (also called linear robot) is an industrial robot whose three principalaxes of control are linear (i.e. they move in a straight line rather thanrotate) and are at right angles to each other. The three sliding jointscorrespond to moving the wrist up-down, in-out, back-forth, which can realizeautomatic control and repeated programming, and the degree of motion freedomonly
Metalplating (also known as electroplating or electrodeposition) is a coatingtechnology that deposits a thin layer of a metal or alloy on a conductivesurface to impart particular functional or aesthetic properties. During theplating process, the object to be plated functions as the positively chargedcathode while the desired plating material serves as the negatively chargedanode and source of the
Fixed WirelessAccess (FWA) is a way of providing wireless connectivity through radio linksbetween two fixed points. In other words, fixed wireless is a way to providewireless internet access to homes or businesses without laying fiber and cablesto provide last mile connectivity. FWA enables network operators to provideultra-high-speed broadband to sub-urban and rural areas where the cost oflaying
Coppersulfate is an inorganic compound that combines sulfur with copper. It’s stableat room temperature and pressure with not easy deliquescence, graduallyweathering in dry air. It can kill bacteria, algae, roots, plants, snails, andfungi. The toxicity of copper sulfate depends on the copper content. Copper isan essential mineral, which can be found in the environment, foods, and water.Copper su
Collagenpeptides are small bioactive peptides obtained by enzymatically hydrolysis of collagen,in other words, the breaking down of the molecular bonds between individualcollagen strands to peptides. Hydrolysis reduces collagen protein fibrils ofabout 300-400kDa into smaller peptides with a molecular weight of lower than5000Da. Collagen peptides are also known as hydrolyzed collagen or collagenhyd
Adistributed antenna system, or DAS, is a network of spatially separated antennanodes connected to a common source via a transport medium that provideswireless service within a geographic area or structure. Antenna elevations ofthis system are generally at or below the clutter level, and node installationsare compact, with characteristics of high power utilization, flexible structureand large syst
Candy,also called sweets or lollipops, is a confection that features sugar as aprincipal ingredient. The category, called sugar confectionery, encompasses anysweet confection, including chocolate, chewing gum, and sugar candy.Vegetables, fruit, or nuts which have been glazed and coated with sugar aresaid to be candied. Candies can be divided into lollipops, gums and chocolatecandies.
Technicalceramics are the introduction of new materials into the ceramic manufacturingprocess to produce ceramic materials with advanced and special properties. Thiskind of ceramic is characterized by high wear resistance, cold resistance, heatresistance and corrosion resistance, as well as extremely high durability andhardness. They are used in various applications in the electronics, machinery,a
Magneticnanoparticles are a class of nanoparticle that can be manipulated usingmagnetic fields. Such particles commonly consist of two components, a magneticmaterial, often iron, nickel and cobalt, and a chemical component that hasfunctionality. It has good magnetic guidance,biocompatibility and biodegradability.
Fitnessequipment can be used to shape, exercise, lose weight, etc. Today, most people are busy with work, leavingless and less time for the gym, so home fitness equipment gradually comes intovision. The fitness equipment is mainly divided into traditional fitnessequipment and interactive fitness equipment. Traditional types mainly includetreadmills, dumbbells and spinning bikes. Interactive fitnes