Driven by Policies, Global DMS Market Size was 1117 M USD in 2022

DMS can be an effective technology to curb driver distraction and thereby accidents; it continuously monitors a driver\'s status and alerts the driver of any danger. While DMS itself is not new and has been around for around two decades, the technology failed to go mainstream until it started using in-vehicle cameras to monitor drivers. Earlier versions of DMS used steering wheel sensors and some relied on time-of-flight technology to gauge a driver\'s head position. DMS has recently made considerable progress, thanks to growing use of advanced image sensors, camera systems and software that allow the system to track a driver\'s eyes even when they are wearing sunglasses or at night. Meanwhile, the DMS is gaining more importance due to the growing need for understanding and adjusting to the driving conditions and reduce the number of accidents. Rise in road accidents due to fatigue, distraction, and lack of alertness in the driver coupled with drinking and driving help the DMS market to witness notable growth. The global driver monitoring system industry market is expected to grow to 5386.0 M USD by 2028.

Global Driver Monitoring Systems Value

Policies and regulations govern the installation and use of DMS

  • European Parliament and Council issued a regulation requiring that all manufacturers ensure that vehicles are "designed, constructed and assembled so as to minimize the risk of injury to vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users." Under the new rules, all motor vehicles (including trucks, buses, vans and sport utility vehicles) must be equipped with advanced monitoring systems. Euro-NCAP also issued a roadmap for 2025, new cars be equipped with DMS from July 2022.
  • In February 2020, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the US recommended the use of DMS as an effective means of driver engagement in SAE Level 2 vehicles.
  • China has legislated the mandatory installation of DMS for commercial vehicles, China\'s passenger car test Code C-NCAP is expected to test vehicles\' DMS capabilities from 2025

Global Driver Monitoring Systems by Region

North America

Big market


Big market

Market share in 2022: 30.65%


Big market

Strong downstream demand


Potential Market

Middle East & Africa

Potential market


Potential market

South America

Potential market

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