Global DMF Market Size is Estimated to Reach $1,685.8 thousand in 2023

2, 5-dimethylfuran, abbreviated as DMF, is an hetero-aromatic organic compound with the formula C6H8O.  DMF can be miscible with gasoline or used alone.  Compared with ethanol, which is easy to dissolve in water, not easy to preserve and has low combustion performance, DMF is considered to be a more promising biomass fuel. 

DMF has many excellent properties similar to gasoline and is the most widely studied alternative fuel.  At present, DMF is mainly obtained by the hydrogenation/hydrolysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) catalyzed by metal catalysts, most of which include palladium, ruthenium and other precious metals. In recent years, there are also some reports on the catalysis of non-precious metals such as nickel, cobalt, copper and iron.  In addition, DMF can also be efficiently produced from fructose by a one-pot process. 

As an important industrial chemical, DMF is widely used as pharmaceutical intermediates, polymer raw materials and spice production raw materials, and the market is huge.  According to our research data, the global DMF market size in 2020 was $1,435.2 thousand, which is 5.00% lower than the previous year due to the impact of the epidemic.  However, with the gradual recovery of the global economy, the DMF market is increasingly picking up, and the market size is expected to increase to $1,685.8 thousand in 2023, and will continue to increase to $1,851.4 thousand in 2025. 

Global 2, 5-dimethylfuran (DMF) Market Size Statistics and Forecast (2020-2025)




Market Size(K USD)




Growth Rate(%)





China has Become the World\'s Largest DMF Consumer Market 

With the tightening of environmental regulation in various countries and the continuous optimization of industrial structure, DMF production capacity in developed countries and regions such as the United States, Japan and Europe has gradually transferred to developing countries, China has become the world\'s largest DMF consumer market, and the domestic DMF industry has entered a mature period.  According to our research data s, in 2023, China\'s DMF market consumption is 9381 kg, ranking first in the world;  This is followed by the European market, where DMF consumption is estimated at 7327 kg in 2023. 

Global 2, 5-dimethylfuran (DMF) Consumption Statistics by region in 2023

Global 2, 5-dimethylfuran (DMF) Consumption Statistics by region in 2023


DMF Market Development Prospect Analysis 

As an alternative biofuel, DMF has many attractive features.  With a higher boiling point of 20 K, DMF has a high research octane number, which will allow the use of a high engine compression ratio to improve fuel economy, so DMF is used as an octane improver for gasoline.  In addition, DMF is stable in storage and insoluble in water, so it is not contaminated by absorbing water from the atmosphere (compared to the high miscibility of ethanol).  Compared to the energy required for ethanol fermentation, DMF consumes only one-third of the energy during the evaporation stage of production. 

As a potential alternative fuel energy, biofuel has attracted more and more attention.  Governments have actively committed to the goals of securing raw material supplies and limiting climate change, and have made many innovative proposals, begun development work, and studied potential fuel candidates in the energy sector.  DMF is a new generation of alternative fuels with great development potential, which can solve the problem of fossil fuel shortage and continuous global warming, so the market development prospect is promising.

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