Wheat Protein Market Size is Estimated to Reach $2866 Million in 2023

Wheat protein, also known as gluten protein, is a kind of protein extracted from wheat and has high nutritional value. Wheat protein is mainly composed of albumin, globulin, gliadin, and glutenin, among which gliadin and glutenin are the main storage proteins, accounting for 80% of the dry base of wheat protein. In addition, wheat protein contains a considerable amount of glutamic acid, arginine and other essential amino acids, which are easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, and have the effects of promoting growth and development and improving immunity.  
Food Grade Wheat Protein is More Widely Used  
According to the different use and quality standards, wheat protein can usually be divided into two categories--food grade and feed grade. Among them, food-grade wheat protein is more widely used. Based on our estimated data, the total market size of the global wheat protein market is estimated to be $2866 million in 2023, of which, the food-grade wheat protein market is $2465 million, accounting for 86.01%; The market size of feed-grade wheat protein is $401 million, accounting for 13.99%. In 2023, the global production of food-grade and feed-grade wheat protein is expected to reach 1,624,600 tons and 31,400 tons, respectively.  
Global Wheat Protein Market Size Forecast by Type (2023-2026)
 Global Wheat Protein Market Size Forecast by Type (2023-2026)
Source: www.globalmarketmonitor.com
The Bakery & Confectionery Sector is the Largest Downstream Application Market for Wheat Protein  
Research shows that the bakery & confectionery segment is the largest downstream consumer market for wheat protein. In 2023, the estimated sales volume of wheat protein in the bakery and confectionery sector is 76600 tons, with an projected market size of $1147 million and a market share of 40.02%; It is followed by the nutritional supplements sector, which accounts for 25.40% market share, with a total revenue of $728 million.
Global wheat protein downstream application Market in 2023


Market Sales(Tons)

Market Size(M USD)

Market Share

Animal Feed




Bakery & Confectionary




Nutrition Supplements




Dairy products




Cosmetic & Personal care








Source: www.globalmarketmonitor.com

Application Prospect Analysis of Wheat Protein

Animal husbandry is an important part of modern agricultural industry system. Vigorously developing animal husbandry is of great significance in promoting the optimization and upgrading of agricultural structure, increasing farmers\' income, improving national diet structure and improving national physical fitness. Wheat protein contains rich feed nutrients, which have the function of promoting disease resistance to livestock and poultry.Wheat protein also plays an important role in promoting the growth and development and improving the meat quality of livestock and poultry, which makes itself an excellent additive in livestock and feed industry. Therefore, in the future, wheat protein in the field of animal feed development prospects are great. 

As consumers\' awareness of a healthy lifestyle continues to increase, the demand for healthy nutritional supplements will continue to increase.  Wheat protein is increasingly used as an important health care product. And the higher health benefits and consumer demand for nutritious foods have a positive impact on the application of wheat protein in nutritional supplements. In addition, growing health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases have prompted a surge in people\'s preference for vegetarian diets. Wheat protein products help control cholesterol levels and treat cardiovascular diseases, so the market demand for wheat protein as a nutritional supplement will also increase greatly in the future.

For more information,please click: 《Global Wheat Protein Market Professional Research Report 2014-2026, Segmented by Players, Types, End-Users in Major 40 Countries or Regions》.

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