Global Grain Bin Market Revenue Will Reach $1517 Million in 2023

A grain bin is a specialized building for storing grain, used to store a large amount of grain. According to the differences in the appearance of warehouses, grain bins can be divided into two types: flat-bottom grain bins and hopper-bottom grain bins. Based on our research data, the total revenue of the global grain bin market was $1308 million in 2020, and it is expected to increase to $1517 million by 2023, among which the revenue of flat-bottom grain bins is estimated to reach $987 million, with an expected market share of 65.06%. It can be seen that flat-bottom grain bins dominate the market.
Global Grain Bin Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Type in 2023
 Global Grain Bin Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Type in 2023
The study shows that North America is the largest revenue market for the global grain bin industry, with market revenue expected to reach $537 million in 2023 and market share estimated at 35.40%, followed by the European market, whose revenue of the grain bin market is expected to be $385 million, accounting for 25.38% in 2023; China is expected to take third place with $244 million in revenue, and the market size is estimated to reach 16.08%.  

Forecast of Global Grain Bin Market Revenue and Share by Region in 2023


Market Revenue(M USD)

Market Share

North America












Southeast Asia



Other Regions







Currently, grain bin products are more mature in Europe and America, where agricultural modernization is relatively high. The main driving force for future growth in this industry will come from regions with lower levels of agricultural modernization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Taking China as an example, as the world's second largest economy and one of the major food-producing countries, China's current level of agricultural modernization is relatively low. The household contract responsibility system has been implemented for several decades now, and this agricultural policy has caused significant contradictions with China's current economic, cultural, and technological level. In recent years, the Chinese government has been determined to promote agricultural policy reform from the national macro policy perspective, with the aim of improving this situation. The main policy direction is to achieve agricultural modernization. With the implementation of policies related to rural land transfer, more agricultural companies in China will operate in the form of modern farms in the future, which will promote the popularization of grain bin products in the Chinese market.

For more information, please click: 《2023 Global Grain Bins Market Analysis Report, Key Competitors, Market Effect Factors, Growth, And Forecast》.

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