Global PVA Fiber-reinforced Cement Market Revenue Will Reach $1552 Million in 2023

PVA fiber-reinforced cement is a new type of cement-based composite material that enhances its mechanical properties and durability by adding polyvinyl alcohol fibers (PVA) to the cement. PVA fiber-reinforced cement has excellent impact resistance and crack resistance and can be used in various extreme environments. At the same time, PVA fiber-reinforced cement also has environmental advantages because it reduces the generation of construction waste and can be recycled and reused.
After entering the 21st century, with the rapid development of the real estate industry in key global regions, the improvement of fiber production technology, and the expansion of production scale, investment in cement materials in the market has promoted the large-scale application of engineering materials. According to our research data, the global market size of PVA fiber-reinforced cement is expected to reach $1552 million in 2023. From the perspective of downstream applications, residential buildings are the main segmented market. In 2023, the market size of PVA fiber-reinforced cement used for residential buildings is estimated to reach $991 million, with a market share of 63.85%.
Global PVA Fiber-reinforced Cement Market Size and Market Share by Application
 Global PVA Fiber-reinforced Cement Market Size and Market Share by Application
Research shows that North America is the largest revenue market for the global PVA fiber-reinforced cement industry, with a market size expected to reach $545 million in 2023, accounting for 35.70%, followed by the European region, whose estimated market size for PVA fiber-reinforced cement is $327 million in 2023, accounting for 21.07% of the market; China is expected to rank third with a share of 18.11%.
From a demand perspective, the demand for PVA fiber-reinforced cement in the Asia-Pacific region will steadily increase. Take China as an example, it is the most populous country in the world, and its huge population base has generated huge demand for real estate. China is a major real estate country in the world. In the past decade, China\'s real estate and infrastructure construction have developed rapidly, promoting a significant increase in cement production. From a supply perspective, global cement production capacity continues to grow, with the main growth point being the rapid growth of production capacity in countries such as China and Vietnam. Despite the problem of overcapacity in the cement market in the Middle East and Africa, the overall global demand for cement is showing stable growth, which will provide opportunities for the development of the PVA fiber-reinforced cement market.

Market Size and Share Forecast of PVA Fiber-reinforced Cement by Region/Country in 2023


Market Size(M USD)

Market Share

North America















South America



Middle East & Africa




For more information, please click: 《2023 Global PVA Fiber Reinforced Cement Market Analysis Report, Key Competitors, Market Effect Factors, Growth, And Forecast》.

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