Europe AI, AR, and VR in Interventional Neuroradiology Market Analysis

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a synthesis of numerous computer technologies, mainly including facial recognition, image recognition, speech recognition, natural language understanding and processing, intelligent robots, algorithm technology, etc; AR (Augmented Reality) is a new technological trend that combines advanced technologies such as AI, the Internet of Things, and big data to combine the virtual world with the real world, allowing users to gain a more intelligent and personalized experience in the real world; VR technology utilizes VR hardware (VR glasses) to immerse people in a completely virtual world, enablin them to explore and interact in a virtual environment instead of from a bystander\'s perspective.
Interventional neuroradiology is a minimally invasive medical technique guided by imaging, mainly used for the treatment of cerebrovascular and spinal cord diseases. Nowadays, the application of AI, AR, and VR technologies in neuroradiology has become an important trend. In terms of diagnosis, AI can help doctors identify patients who may have neurological problems by analyzing a large amount of medical data. Through deep learning and image recognition techniques, AI can accurately analyze CT, MRI, and other types of neuroimaging data to discover subtle anomalies that may be difficult to detect through manual examination.
AR and VR technologies also play important roles in neuroradiology. For example, through AR technology, doctors can convert patients\' CT or MRI scan data into 3D models to better understand the location and size of lesions. This can help doctors develop more precise treatment plans and reduce surgical time and risks. VR technology can provide a simulated surgical environment for doctors to practice and improve surgical skills before performing surgery.
According to our research data, the market size of AI, AR, and VR technologies in the field of interventional neuroradiology in Europe is estimated to reach $872 million in 2023 and continue to increase to $1529 million by 2027. From the perspective of segmented application fields, the medical imaging field is the largest application market, with an estimated market size of $430 million in 2023, accounting for 49.31% of the market.
Europe AI, AR, and VR Market Size in Interventional Neuroradiology and Market Share by Application
 Europe AI, AR, and VR Market Size in Interventional Neuroradiology and Market Share by Application
Research shows that France is the largest revenue market for AI, AR, and VR in interventional neuroradiology in Europe. The market size is expected to reach $116 million in 2023, with an estimated market share of 18.46%; Germany will rank second with a market share of 15.14 % and an estimated market size of $132 million; And the UK is expected to become the third largest revenue market for AI, AR, and VR technology in interventional neuroradiology in Europe with a market size of $113 million and a share of 12.96%.

Europe AI, AR, And VR in Interventional Neuroradiology Market Size and Share Forecast by Country in 2023


Market Size(M USD)

Market Share




















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