Global Hematoxylin Market Revenue is Estimated to Reach $192 Million in 2023

Hematoxylin is a pigment extracted from the dried branches of South American cork trees with ether. It is a natural mordant dye and one of the most commonly used dyes, mainly used for dyeing silk, fur, leather, and printing cotton fabrics. Hematoxylin cannot be directly stained and must be exposed to ventilated areas to turn it into oxidized hematoxylin (also known as hematoxylin) before use. When used together with mordant agents (commonly used are alum and trivalent iron/aluminum salts), hematoxylin can stain the nucleus.

Hematoxylin staining is a preliminary staining technique for treating various diseases. Compared with most other dyeing techniques, it has advantages such as high quality and strong usability. In the 1970s, due to the extensive deforestation of Brazil's tropical rainforest, the production of hematoxylin decreased significantly, resulting in a significant decrease in the amount of foreign cork. The astonishing increase in the price of hematoxylin has greatly increased the cost of histopathological diagnosis, leading to a surge in the search for alternatives to hematoxylin. However, before the status of various substitutes for hematoxylin was truly established, hematoxylin returned to the market and played an important role in histopathological diagnosis.

According to the different media carried, hematoxylin can usually be divided into three categories: alum hematoxylin, iron hematoxylin, and tungsten hematoxylin. Among them, alum and hematoxylin dominate the market. According to our research data, the global alum hematoxylin market revenue is expected to reach $133 million in 2023, with an estimated market share of 69.24%. From the perspective of downstream application patterns, the medical diagnosis field is the largest downstream application market for hematoxylin. According to our prediction, the market revenue of hematoxylin in the medical diagnosis field may reach $140 million in 2023, and the revenue share is expected to reach 72.96%.

Global Hematoxylin Market Revenue and Share Forecast by Type and Application in 2023

Market Revenue (M USD)

Market Share

Segmented by Type

Alum Hematoxylin



Iron Hematoxylin



Tungsten Hematoxylin



Segmented by Application

Medical Diagnosis










Data shows that the total revenue of the global hematoxylin market is expected to reach $192 million in 2023. In the future, with the acceleration of the global aging process and the rise of the incidence rate of various diseases, the market of hematoxylin will continue to expand and is expected to increase to $228 billion by 2027.

From the perspective of market competition, the concentration of the global hematoxylin market is moderate. Data shows that in 2020, the top 3 enterprises in the industry had a total revenue share of 38.05% in the hematoxylin market. The top 3 companies were Agilent Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Roche. In 2020, the three companies accounted for 16.21%, 13.27%, and 8.57% of the global market revenue in the hematoxylin market, respectively.

Global Hematoxylin Market Revenue Forecast and Competition Pattern 
Global Hematoxylin Market Revenue Forecast and Competition Pattern


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