Global Water Dispenser Market Size is Estimated to Reach $2502 Million in 2023

A water dispenser is a household appliance that typically has heating and cooling functions, which can meet the different needs of users. The water dispenser provides a convenient and fast way of drinking water and has become an indispensable part of our daily life.
According to different functional characteristics, water dispensers can be divided into intelligent water dispensers, ordinary water dispensers, and integrated water purifiers; Based on different heating methods, water dispensers can be divided into electric water dispensers and gas water dispensers; According to different usage scenarios, water dispensers include two types: household water dispensers and portable water dispensers.
Overview of Global Water Dispenser Market Development and Regional Development Situation
The global water dispenser market has shown a steady growth trend in recent years. According to our research data, the global water dispenser market is expected to reach $2502 million in 2023 and may continue to increase to $2979 million in 2027.
Research shows that China is the world's largest water dispenser market. Data shows that in 2023, the revenue scale of China's water dispenser market is estimated to be $787 million, with an estimated market share of 31.45%; The revenue scale of the North American and European water dispenser markets is estimated to reach $574 million and $505 million, respectively, with an expected share of 22.94% and 20.18%.

Global Water Dispenser Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Region  

Global Water Dispenser Market Size Forecast and Market Share by Region

Global Water Dispenser Market Competition Pattern Analysis
From the perspective of market competition, the concentration of the global water dispenser market is relatively low. Data shows that in 2020, the top 3 enterprises in the industry had a total revenue of $611 million in the water dispenser market, with a total market share of 27.23%. The top 3 companies were Media, Lamo, and AO Smith Corporation. In 2020, the three companies accounted for 11.63%, 8.87%, and 6.73% of the global water dispenser market revenue, respectively.
Water Dispenser Revenue and Share of Main Enterprises in 2020


Market Revenue (Million USD)

Market Share







AO Smith Corporation







For more information, please click:《China Water Dispenser Industry Market Research Report 2023-2029》.

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