The Photovoltaic and Semiconductor Industries Continue to Develop, Which Has an Important Driving Effect on the Vacuum Pump Market

The vacuum pump isthe main type of vacuum acquisition equipment. It is a device or equipment thatuses mechanical, physical and chemical methods to extract gas from the vesselto obtain a vacuum, which is often used to obtain, improve and maintain thevacuum environment. It is widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, food,electronics and other downstream industries.

ChatGPT Ushered in a New Era of Human-computer Interaction and Accelerated Commercialization of Humanoid Robots

With the developmentof ChatGPT API, commercial applications are expected to be expanded andexisting productivity tools are expected to be revolutionized. On theapplication side, general artificial intelligence application fields, such asservice robots (including medical robots), humanoid robots and other fieldswill be further developed. The chatbot ChatGPT developed by OpenAI is based ona powerful

Due to the Late Start, the Baked Goods Market in China Is Less Than that in Europe and the United States, but Its Market Space is Wide

Baked food refersto flour, yeast, salt, sugar and water as the basic raw materials, adding anappropriate amount of oil, milk, eggs, additives, and so on, through a seriesof technological methods of baked food. Baked goods havealways been the mainstream breakfast and staple food in European and Americancountries. In comparison, the development of baking industry in China isrelatively short. At the

As the Largest Rail Transit Construction Market, China Has the Largest Demand for Shield Tunneling Machines

Shield tunnelingmachine (shield tunneling machine) is a kind of tunnel tunneling specialengineering machinery. Modern shield machine integrates mechanical, electrical,hydraulic, optical, sensing, information technology in one, with excavationcutting soil mass, conveying ballast, assembly tunnel lining, measurementorientation correction and other functions, involving geology, civil,mechanical, mech

With a Lot of Users, Stationery Market Will Develop Towards High-end and Green in the Future

Stationery usuallyrefers to various tools used for office, study and other purposes. In recentyears, the global stationery market has remained stable. In 2021, the globalstationery market reached 192 billion US dollars, an increase of 2.40 billionUS dollars and a year-on-year growth of 1.3%. Due to the combinedeffects of birth rate, aging population, national education investment, thepopularity of

Cloud Computing Is a Major Change and an Inevitable Trend in the Development of Information Technology

Cloud computing is a kind of service related to information technology, software and the Internet. Its core is to provide users with fast and secure services and data storage based on the Internet. In essence, cloud computing is a way of sharing resources and services. On the cloud computing platform, hardware resources, network and application environment can be allocated and called anytime, anyw

With Many Users, Two-wheeled Electric Vehicles Will Develop to High Quality, Intelligent and Personalized in the Future

The electrictwo-wheeled vehicle is a two-wheeled vehicle with an onboard battery as anauxiliary energy source, which can realize the function of electric assist orelectric drive. Before the implementation of the new national standard,electric bicycles usually refer to as electric two-wheelers, but the newnational standard on electric two-wheelers for a clear classification,according to different i

Market Concentration of Chinese Cement Industry May Increase Further

Cement is a kind of powder hydraulic cementing material, which is mixed with water into plastic slurry and can cement sand, stone and other materials and can be hardened both in air and water. According to the different use and performance, cement can be divided into general cement, special cement and characteristic cement three types. General purpose cement is the cement used in civil engineering

Consumer Electronic Products Update and Iteration Fast, Leading Intelligent, Convenient, Integration Demand to Intensify

Consumer electronics refers to electronic devices available for everyday use by consumers, usually featuring advantages such as compact, lightweight, easy to operate and energy-saving design. The use of consumer electronics has increased the convenience of life, enriched the daily entertainment life, and improved the quality of life. It has become an important part of people\'s life.

In Recent Years, the Leisure Snack Market is Booming, and the Users Show a Younger Trend

Leisure foodmainly refers to packaged food, a category of fast-moving consumer goods,besides the staple food that people eat at leisure and rest. It mainly includesbaking food manufacturing, candy, chocolate and honey cutting manufacturing,convenience food manufacturing, canned food manufacturing, agricultural andsideline product processing, meat products and by-products processing,vegetables, fun

Construction Machinery Industry in China Will Enter the Green, Digital New Track in the Future

All the mechanical equipment necessary for earth and rock construction projects, pavement construction and maintenance, mobile lifting handling and unloading operations and various construction projects are called construction machinery. Common construction machinery includes excavator, forklift, loader, grader, roller, crane, roadheader and high-altitude working car, etc. They are widely used in

Chinese Household Appliance Enterprises Are Accelerating the Transformation to Middle High-end

According to data released by Household Appliances Association of China, the main business revenue of China\\'s home appliance industry reached $26.92 billion in 2022, up 1.1% year on year, thanks to the acceleration of the transformation of home appliance enterprises to the middle and high-end. The total profit reached $21.82 billion, up 19.9% year on year. According to other data, several subcat

Subsidies Withdraw, China’s New Energy Vehicle Market Development Is Facing a Major Test

New energy vehicles are an important innovation in the automobile industry. In recent years, our new energy vehicle development momentum is strong,which has developed rapidly in the model supporting, technology research and development and consumer market. Becides, new energy vehicles have made breakthroughs in the field of enterprise, technology and market. The proportion of new energy vehicles i

The Upstream and Downstream of the Optical Communication Industry Chain are Expected to Benefit from the Intensified "Light Pursuit Action"

Industry and information technology announced at a press conference of The State Council on March 1 that it will carry out the Gigabit optical network "light Pursuit action" to strengthen cross-industry, cross-enterprise and cross-regional network collaborative innovation and support the transformation of traditional industries to digital, networked and intelligent. Small and medium-sized cities a

At the Beginning Stage, Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry of China Will Grow at a Considerable Scale and Speed in the Future

Intelligentconnected vehicle is an organic combination of the Internet of vehicles andintelligent vehicles. Equipped with advanced sensing systems, control systemsand decision-making systems, it can connect to the Internet of vehiclesplatform. At the same time, new technologies such as 5G and artificialintelligence will be used to share and exchange information between vehiclesand people, roads an

The Demand for High-purity Quartz Sand Is Expected to Reach 141,000 tons in 2024

High purity quartz sand refers to the high purity of SiO₂, and the content of impurity elements is very low quartz and its products. High purity quartz sand is not a kind of mineral, but a product purified by granite quartz, gangue quartz, natural crystal and other ores as raw materials. Due to the gradual depletion of natural crystal resources, it is the mainstream production process of the ind

With the Development of the Internet, Third-party Payment is Large in Scale for the Convenience

Third-partypayment refers to the fund transfer service between payer and payee provided bynon-financial institutions as the payment intermediary between merchants andconsumers. According to different business types, the market segments ofthird-party payment include bank card receipt, online payment, prepaid cardissuance and acceptance. In 1999, the firstthird-party payment enterprise was born in C

China Relies Heavily on the Import of Instruments and Meters, so the Supply of High-end Domestic Products Needs to be Strengthened

Instruments andmeters belong to the machinery and equipment industry, which is an importanttool for the development of science and technology, with automatic control,alarm, signal transmission and data processing functions. Instruments arewidely used in industry, agriculture, transportation, science and technology,environmental protection, national defense, culture, education and health.

Optical Components for Smartphones Account for More Than 70% of the Entire Market

Optical componentsare the main apparatus in optical systems using optical principles for variousobservation, measurement, analysis and recording, information processing, imagequality evaluation, energy transmission and conversion, such as lenses, filters,beam splitters, polarizers, waveplates, prisms, etc. Data from OpticalComponents and Instruments Branch and China Optical Opto-Electronics Indust

The Great Demand for Photovoltaic Silver Paste in China Has Accelerated the Process of Its Localization

Photovoltaicsilver paste belongs to a kind of electronic conductive paste, which is amixture of high purity silver powder (conductive phase), glass oxide (bondingphase), organic resin organic solvent (organic carrier), after stirring, threeroll rolling to form a uniform paste. Photovoltaic silver paste accounts for87% of the total demand for silver paste. In the cost composition, silverpowder to a

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