Nut Industry in China is Developing Steadily

Ithas been more than 4 years since Wolong’s fist product Daily Nuts went onmarket. This product has not only become a marketing paradigm for the nutindustry, but also opened a new era of mixed nuts. With the promotion of thenut consumptio

A Sight into Global Semiconductor Materials Market

Dueto the development of new technologies such as 5G, new energy vehicles and theInternet of Things, semiconductor industry is gradually picking up. In 2017,the global semiconductor materials market resumed growth, with a global marketsize

Semiconductor: Packaging and Testing Equipment

Afterthe commercialization of 5G network, demand for most products of 5G industrychain is growing rapidly. Since 5G mobile phone is equipped with 5G chip, thepackaging and testing equipment needs to be updated, therefore manufacturers ofpac

Semiconductor Manufacturing: Foundry

Afterentering 2019, the semiconductor industry failed to maintain its high growthlast year. In the first quarter, the global wafer foundry sales revenuedeclined by 16% compared with the same period in 2018, and the world's topseven companie

Semiconductor Material: Silicon Wafer

The rumors of insufficient supply of 8-inch wafers have been long-standing, and the news of a mighty sharp price increase is on the rise. At a time when 12-inch wafers have been put into mass production, this seems to be against the trend o

Semiconductor Manufacturing: Integrated Circuit Process

Recently,Intel announced that it will suspend the upgrade of a fab in Israel – a 10nmand 7nm process plant which planned to cost 11 billion USD in thepre-construction. This reason might be the presence of 10nm and 7nm processes,or the pri

Industrial Transfer Brings more Opportunities for Sputtering Target Enterprises in China

The semiconductor industry is now transferring to mainland China, and several sputtering target manufacturers in China have expanded their production. On the 20 th of December, KFMI held a groundbreaking ceremony for the industrialization p

China Online Game Live Broadcast Industry: Leading Players are Enjoying the Benefit

Notlong ago, the Panda Live officially posted a picture with a panda saying "Bye",and was closed subsequently. After the explosive growth in 2016, China’s onlinegame live broadcast industry gradually subsided and the industry began toretu

White-spirits Market is Welcoming the Boom Season Again

WithChinese lunar New Year in the corner, Jiugui Liquor has fallen into theovercast cloud of cyclamate due to the report of its former dealer. Until the23 rd of December, the market value of Jiugui Liquor has evaporatedabout 1.2 billion Yua

Craft Beer Breaks the Prisoner's Dilemma in China's Beer Industry

Picture of Panda Brew on its website Inrecent years, craft beer has become more and more popular among consumers dueto its rich variety, taste and personalized consumption scene. Inorder to promote the standardized development of the domest

Ethylene Carbonate Industry is Accelerating with the Booming of Electric Passenger Car

Ethylene carbonate (EC) is currently in tight supply and the price has risen sharply. On the 23rd of May, it rose another $150/ton. The current price is around $3,300 per ton, up about $2,000 from the same period last year.

Hemp in Trend, High-tech is Essential

TillJanuary 2019, 41 countries worldwide have legalized the medical use of hemp,and more than 50 countries made CBD legitimate. Hemp has inevitably become apopular industry. Although China has not legalizing the application of hemp,Yunnan P

Semiconductor: OEM Packaging and Testing Market

Withthe upgrading of the semiconductor industry, all links in the industrial chainhave gradually become specialized. At present, global market value of OEM (OriginalEquipment Manufacturer) packaging and testing market has exceeded 30 billio

Semiconductor Design: Fabless

Insemiconductor industry, IC design is the most important sub-sector, whichdetermines the current status and also guides the development direction.Currently, the IC design industry accounts for 38% of the entire semiconductorindustry. As te

The Necessity of Independent Controllability of the Supply Chain: Enlightenment from Japan’s Semiconductor material sanctions towards South Korea

Dueto the increased trade friction between Japan and South Korea, Japan announcedon July 1 st that sanctions will be applied on the export towardsSouth Korea, including high-purity hydrogen fluoride “used in semiconductormanufacturing”, photoresist “coated on semiconductor substrates” and fluorinatedpolyamides “for making TV and smartphone display panels”. The restraining orderwas imple

Smart Watch Positioning in High-end Market, Complete "Independent" is Difficult to Achieve

With true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds being a trend, many people are considering replacing smart phones with smart wearable devices (TWS earbuds + smart watches). In fact, smartphones are no longer purely functional machines.

New Concept of First Aid was Popularized, and AED Industry will be Benefited

In China, 41 cases of sudden cardiac death may occur per 100,000 people, and the number of deaths due to cardiac arrest exceeds 545,000 per year. After 4 to 6 minutes of cardiac arrest, if the rescue resuscitation is not obtained, the patient's brain and other important human organs will be irreversibly damaged.

Economic Animal Vaccine Market in China Will Grow with the Development of Large-scale Farming

A few months ago, African swine fever was confirmed in South Korea, marking that this devastating epidemic is still raging in Asia. In the past few months, the aquaculture industry has suffered severe economic losses and consumers’ concerns about food safety have intensified.

Fingerprint Recognition under Optical Screen: Fully Manual Solution for the Full-screen Concept

Oncethe full-screen concept was introduced, it quickly occupied the mobile phonemarket. At present, the traditional ‘HOME’ key capacitive fingerprint unlockingis a rare design for new mobile phones. The full screen provides a morecomple

Glass-plastic Hybrid Lens: Another Upgrade of Mobile Phone Lens Industry

Itis reported that Huawei's Mate 30 series, which is scheduled to be released inthe autumn of 2019, will cancel the periscope lens design, but the flagshipproduct expected to be launched next year will still adopt the periscopedesign, and w

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