Prescriptiondrugs refer to prescriptions issued by doctors who have the right to prescribe,and drugs purchased from hospitals or pharmacies. This drug usually has sometoxicity and other potential effects. There are special requirements for themedication method and time, and it must be used under the guidance of a doctor.
Vitamin supplement is a dietary supplement that contains vitamins and can provide the human body with the nutrients it needs. Such preparations can be obtained in the form of tablets, capsules, powders and so on. To healthy people, most scientific evidence shows that vitamin supplement cannot prevent cancer, heart disease or other diseases, so there is no need to supplement regularly. However, cer
Children\'s furniture is mainly furniture used in childhood as the name suggests. Children\'s furniture is not a scaled-down version of adult furniture, which have their own safety standards. Children\'s furniture pays more attention to safety, environmental protection and harmlessness than ordinary adult furniture. In addition, Children of different ages have different needs, which can be divided
In orderto identify parts, cartons, pallets and shipments, manufacturers in variousindustries must not only ensure the speed of the production line, but alsolabel, encode and mark various products and packaging systems. Modern packagingis marked, coded and printed with batch numbers, barcodes, QR codes, serialnumbers and labels, or labels or marks directly printed on boxes and pallets offinished g
Asa commonly used writing tool, fountain pen is invented in the early 19thcentury. The tip of the pen is made of metal, and it is sleek and flexible towrite, quite smooth. There are obvious trademarks and models on the pen cap oron the surface of the pen tip. A fountain pen is a nib pen that, unlike itspredecessor, the dip pen, contains an internal reservoir of liquid ink. The pendraws ink from th
Earlychildhood education refers to the education received by children from infancyto the pre-primary stage. Scientific research shows that the best period todevelop the potential of the brain is 0-6 years old. Early childhood is acritical period for the development of intelligence in life. With the progressand development of society, people pay more and more attention to the qualityof human produc
SmartPOS (Point of Sales) machine, also known as micro POS machine, is a new conceptcompared to the traditional POS machine. Its main functions include scanningTWO-DIMENSIONAL code and swiping card, card coupon distribution, self-serviceordering, group purchase verification, online booking, membership management,fine management of customer orders combined with back-end CRM system, big dataanalysis
Gum baseis a solid substance that is non-nutritive, difficult to digest, insoluble inwater, and easy to chew. Generally speaking, it is made of rubber, resin,filler, wax, emulsifier and antioxidant. Resin is an important part of the gumbase, providing cohesion or strength for it. Resins ingum base are mainly divided into three types according to product technology:rosin esters, hydrogenated rosin
Mining is the technology and science of mining mineral resources from within and on the surface of the earth's crust. Mining in a broad sense also includes the mining of coal and oil. The mining industry is an important raw material industry. Metal ores are the main raw materials for the smelting industry, and non-metallic ores are important chemical raw materials and building materials. Mineral r
Melatonin, also known as melatonine, aprotinin, pineal gland, whose chemical name is N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a kind of amine hormone that mainly produced by the mammalian and human pineal gland.
Inrecent years, with the deepening of economic globalization, the ties betweencountries have become increasingly close, and trade exchanges between eachother have become increasingly frequent, which has greatly increased the demandfor air cargo. In addition, with the gradual improvement of public livingstandards, more and more people begin to travel abroad to meet their spiritualneeds, which also
A ScrollChiller is a machine that transfers the heat of a cooled object with a lowertemperature to the environment medium to obtain cold energy. The heattransferred from a lower temperature object is traditionally called coldness.The working fluid in the Scroll Chiller that participates in the change of thethermal process (energy conversion and heat transfer) is called refrigerant.
Caffeinein pharmaceuticals is considered as a drug that acts as a stimulant for thecentral nervous system (CNS). It is one of the most widely used drug in theworld and is known for containing psychoactive substances. It is a bittersubstance containing white crystalline like purine, mostly methylxanthinealkaloid. The main usage of caffeine is to prevent the consumer from drowsinessand improve their
Asthe pace of life has gradually increased and the standard of living hasgradually improved, more and more people have no time to take care of theirfamilies in recent years, so in-room person centered technology has begun to bewidely used. In-room person centered technology refers to technology andprocedures applied in care facilities, and is involved in areas such as boardand care homes for aged
K–12 for kindergarten to 12th grade, indicates the sum of primary and secondary education. A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, playschool or kindergarten, is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school. A primary school is a school in which children receive primar
The main component ofliquefied natural gas is methane, which is recognized as the cleanest fossilenergy on earth, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Themanufacturing process is to first purify the natural gas produced in the gasfield, after a series of ultra-low temperature liquefaction, and then transportit by liquefied natural gas ships. After being burned, LNG has very little air
K-12 is the abbreviation for kindergarten through twelfth grade, which refers to the two grades from kindergarten (5-6 years old) to twelfth grade (17-18 years old), which are the two grades at the beginning and end of free education in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom and Canada, in addition to primary schools (7-12 years old), middle school (12-15 years old), and high school (
Furniturehardware is the fixings, fittings and individual pieces needed to create aworking, durable piece of furniture to enhance its functionality or appearance.Metal parts with functions such as movement, fastening, pull basket,decoration, etc., also called furniture accessories. As early as the Spring andAutumn Period and the Warring States Period, China had copper hinges forcabinets, corners f
Desktopas a service (DaaS) is a cloud computing solution that refers to virtualdesktops hosted in the cloud provided by service providers. The advantages ofcloud-hosted desktops are simpler PC management, better security, disastertolerance and business continuity capabilities, lower management and hardwarecosts, rapid deployment, better support and reliability, and usually costlylow.
RTA(ready-to-assemble) wooden furniture is also called furniture to be assembledor furniture assembled with specification parts. It is a furniture with the maincharacteristics of component production, sales and on-site assembly, whichclarifies the concept of component is product, realizes standardization andserialization, and ensures its high quality with high precision or specialequipment control